Video index
1. Call to Order
2. Pledges of Allegiance
3. Public Comment
4. Closed Meeting
5. Reconvene from Closed Meeting
6.1. Discuss and consider Board approval of naming High School #10 as recommended by the Naming Advisory Committee.
6.2. Discuss and consider Board approval of the November 2023 budget ammendments.
6.3. Discuss and consider Board approval of the annual review of investment policies and strategies.
6.4. Discuss and consider September 2023 Financial Reports.
6.5. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.6. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for Waller Country Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.7. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for the Harris Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.8. Discuss and consider Board approval of a contract for the purchase of time and attendance software for disctrict-wide time and attendance.
6.9. Discuss and consider Board of the annual course additions.
6.10. Discuss and consider the Board to award a contract for design services necessary for the cafeteria kitchen component replacements at various campuses.
6.11. Discuss and consider Board approval on an easement to Sunterra Property Owners Association, Inc., along the western edge of the Elementary School #48 site in Sunterra Section 32.
7. Information Items
8. Future Meetings
Nov 06, 2023 Board Work Study Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Pledges of Allegiance
3. Public Comment
4. Closed Meeting
5. Reconvene from Closed Meeting
6.1. Discuss and consider Board approval of naming High School #10 as recommended by the Naming Advisory Committee.
6.2. Discuss and consider Board approval of the November 2023 budget ammendments.
6.3. Discuss and consider Board approval of the annual review of investment policies and strategies.
6.4. Discuss and consider September 2023 Financial Reports.
6.5. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.6. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for Waller Country Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.7. Discuss and consider Board adoption of a Resolution to cast Katy Independent School District's votes for the Harris Central Appraisal District Board of Directors.
6.8. Discuss and consider Board approval of a contract for the purchase of time and attendance software for disctrict-wide time and attendance.
6.9. Discuss and consider Board of the annual course additions.
6.10. Discuss and consider the Board to award a contract for design services necessary for the cafeteria kitchen component replacements at various campuses.
6.11. Discuss and consider Board approval on an easement to Sunterra Property Owners Association, Inc., along the western edge of the Elementary School #48 site in Sunterra Section 32.
7. Information Items
8. Future Meetings
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