(Due to technical difficulties this item is audio only.) Reconvene from Closed Meeting - The Board will reconvene from Closed Meeting. The presiding officer will verify that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. 3.1 Verification will be provided that the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code were met in accordance with the public notice of the meeting.
(Due to technical difficulties this item is audio only.) Consider Board naming of the lone finalist for the position of superintendent of schools.
(Due to technical difficulties video for this item is joined in progress.) Consider Board approval of the canvass of the May 24, 2016 Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees election recount for Position 1.
Consider Board certification of the May 7, 2016 Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees election for Position 1.
Oath of Office 5.1 Administer the Oath of Office to George Scott, newly elected member of the Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees for Position 1.
Reorganization of the Board of Trustees 6.1 Consider and elect officers for the 2016 - 2017 Board of Trustees.
7. Recognitions 7.1 Past Board President 7.2 Past Board Member 8. Adjournment
(Due to technical difficulties this item is audio only.) Reconvene from Closed Meeting - The Board will reconvene from Closed Meeting. The presiding officer will verify that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. 3.1 Verification will be provided that the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code were met in accordance with the public notice of the meeting.
(Due to technical difficulties this item is audio only.) Consider Board naming of the lone finalist for the position of superintendent of schools.
(Due to technical difficulties video for this item is joined in progress.) Consider Board approval of the canvass of the May 24, 2016 Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees election recount for Position 1.
Consider Board certification of the May 7, 2016 Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees election for Position 1.
Oath of Office 5.1 Administer the Oath of Office to George Scott, newly elected member of the Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees for Position 1.
Reorganization of the Board of Trustees 6.1 Consider and elect officers for the 2016 - 2017 Board of Trustees.
7. Recognitions 7.1 Past Board President 7.2 Past Board Member 8. Adjournment