Reconvene from Closed Meeting 2. Consider Board action on the Level III DGBA (DGBA-12-014) regarding a teacher complaint from Golbow Elementary School. 3. Consider Board approval of naming an Executive Director for Special Education. 4. Consider Board approval of hiring and accepting resignations of professional contractual personnel. 5. Consider Board approval of the Superintendent’s evaluation.
1. Discuss and consider Board approval of funding for additional sidewalks. 2. Discuss and consider Board approval of additional department staffing for the 2012-2013 school year. 3. Discuss and consider future Board approval of additional campus staffing for the 2012-2013 school year. 4. Discuss and consider Board approval of amended Board policy CCG (LOCAL). 5. Discuss and consider Board approval to accept the application of a manufacturing company. for an appraised value limitation on qualified Property, to authorize the superintendent to review the application for completeness, and to submit to the State Comptroller. 6. Discuss and consider future Board approval to retain Moak, Casey & Associates, Inc. to assist the District in processing of an application for a value limitation agreement.
Item VI 2 (Part 3 of 3) & Item IX
VI 2. Teaching and Learning Division Update IX. Information Items 1. Reports 2. Future Meetings ADJOURN
Reconvene from Closed Meeting 2. Consider Board action on the Level III DGBA (DGBA-12-014) regarding a teacher complaint from Golbow Elementary School. 3. Consider Board approval of naming an Executive Director for Special Education. 4. Consider Board approval of hiring and accepting resignations of professional contractual personnel. 5. Consider Board approval of the Superintendent’s evaluation.
1. Discuss and consider Board approval of funding for additional sidewalks. 2. Discuss and consider Board approval of additional department staffing for the 2012-2013 school year. 3. Discuss and consider future Board approval of additional campus staffing for the 2012-2013 school year. 4. Discuss and consider Board approval of amended Board policy CCG (LOCAL). 5. Discuss and consider Board approval to accept the application of a manufacturing company. for an appraised value limitation on qualified Property, to authorize the superintendent to review the application for completeness, and to submit to the State Comptroller. 6. Discuss and consider future Board approval to retain Moak, Casey & Associates, Inc. to assist the District in processing of an application for a value limitation agreement.
Item VI 2 (Part 3 of 3) & Item IX
VI 2. Teaching and Learning Division Update IX. Information Items 1. Reports 2. Future Meetings ADJOURN